The Morwell Golf Club has vacancies in all membership categories. If you would like any further information in regards to becoming a Member please contact us and we would be happy to discuss your membership enquiry.

Outlined below is the Membership Process. You can learn more about our fees and various types of membership from the Membership & Green Fees page. Once you’ve found a membership type that suits you, we look forward to welcoming your application.

Membership Process

When applying to become a Member of Morwell Golf Club, the application process is as follows:

  1. Complete the Membership Application Form and return to the Morwell Golf Club.
  2. A member of staff or the Committee will contact you after your application has been lodged to discuss your membership application.
  3. The application is then formally presented to the Board for endorsement.
  4. You will be contacted and advised of the outcome of your application.
  5. Download the application form here.

Completed application forms can be submitted via:

Post: PO Box 806, Morwell, 3840
In person: Morwell Golf Club, Fairway Drive, Morwell